Reverend Gregory Guice received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in History and Sociology at Kentucky State University. He then attended Marygrove College in Detroit where his curriculum was in Early Childhood Studies. In 1986 he received a Master of Arts Degree in Clinical Psychology at the Center for Humanistic Studies in Detroit. Rev. Guice has been employed as a Counselor, Teacher, and Social Worker in the Detroit area. He is married to Francine Guice a professor in the Business department at Oakland University.
Feeling the call to ministry, Gregory Guice was ordained at the Unity School for Religious Studies in Lee’s Summit, Missouri in 2000. Since that time, he has established himself as one of Unity’s outstanding spiritual teachers of Unity principles and beliefs. His goal is to prayerful demonstrate and teach the principles of Truth as taught by Jesus Christ. Before becoming the Senior Minister at Detroit Unity Temple, Rev. Guice served with Reverend. Argentina Glasgow as Co-minister at the Temple. He was hired as Senior Minister at Unity of Lake Orion, and Unity Christ Church in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He has also had the privilege to serve on the Board Directors at Unity School of Christianity.
Rev. Guice has received many honors over the years. He was recognized as one of the top ten teachers in the United States by Ebony magazine in 1988, and was “Mason of the Year” for the Unity Lodge #28 Prince Hall Masonic Order in 1988 and 2007. Additionally, in 1989, Rev. Guice was listed in “Who’s Who in Black America,” and in 2000 as well as 2003 Rev. Guice was featured in Unity’s Daily Word (A Unity Publication). Rev. Guice was inducted into the Martin Luther King Board of Preachers of Morehouse College, and has received the “Michiganian of the Year” award from the Detroit News in 2008.
Rev. Guice is very focused on community and provides leadership with a positive presence in the areas that he serves. He created a community organization at Detroit Unity Temple that rallied together to fight crime within the neighborhood and he continues to reach out to the neighborhoods within various areas with the “Look for the Good” campaign. Teaching that good is always available, you just have to open your eyes to see “the good.” He has published two insightful and spiritually motivating books, one titled “The Courage to Conquer Fear”, and the other one co-authored with Rev. Dr. Joseph Hill, titled “Spiritual Waters”.
After working for Blue Cross Ble Shield of Michigan for 25 years, Rev. Artelle Gandy heard the call to ministry. She was impressed by Myrtle Fillmore, Co-founder of Unity, and with her ability to heal herself. Rev. Gandy’s health challenges kept her intrigued by Myrtle’s discovery. Artelle spent more than 10 years in Detroit Unity Temple’s bookstore, which encouraged her to learn more about Truth principles and which started her on to her ministerial journey. After graduating from the Unity Urban Ministerial School, Rev. Gandy was ordained and licensed as a Unity Minister in June of 2023.
Rev. Gandy is the Founder and CEO of her very own Health and Wholeness program, “” She mentors others on Unity’s 5th principle, “We Create Our Lives By Our Way of Thinking” and “It is Our Birthright is to be Healthy and Whole.” Her mission and vision is to help people get well, stay healthy and build healthy communities.
Assistant To The Senior Minister
I started searching for a real solution to everyday problems and challenges for young people through the church. I would ask questions that my ministers could not or would not answer and their response was the proverbial “just pray about”. I found myself being what is or was called ‘divinely dissatisfied’ with my mission to find God. However, on my sixteenth birthday my grandmother gifted me a book by Norman Vincent Peale “The Power of Positive Thinking” This book started me on a different path and from that point on church was never the same.
As the years went by, I became somewhat disillusioned with religion. Where is God, why doesn’t he answer our prayers? If he does exist why are things so hard for some and so easy for others? One Sunday afternoon I was invited to a lecture/seminar entitled “ The God In You”. From that seminar my entire perspective had changed. I knew there were others like me, that felt and thought like I did. That had questions like me and had found the answers. Over the years I was introduced to a variety of Metaphysical teachers and authors. Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, H. Emilie Cady, Ernest Holmes, Eric Butterworth, Emmet Fox, H.P. Blavatsky, Kahlil Gibran, a variety of books and Bibles. As a result of my quest for spiritual knowledge, I enrolled in Metaphysical Courses taught at Bethel School of Divine Metaphysics, under the tutelage of Rev. Dr. Lilly Butler. Here my searching and researching became one. As a result of my studies and tenacity I was ordained as ‘Minister of Metaphysics’ in June 1972.Working as part of the ministerial staff and teaching classes was a rewarding experience. However, as the scripture scenario goes, the eagle stirs the nest, it was time for me to seek wisdom from another side, the Unity side. Rev. Stubbs began studying under the Rev. Pearl McNair Pitts, and the Unity Of Spirit Life Center, Inc. All teachings and lessons were under the Unity banner. Lessons in Truth, The Twelve Powers of Man, Teach us to Pray, Prosperity, Keep a True Lent, Metaphysical Bible Interpretation. Rev. Pitts had a policy that after you successfully completed a class, you teach that class. Through the years of learning and teaching Rev. Stubbs was again ordained a “Minister of Metaphysics’ in September 1981 under the Unity banner. Rev. Stubbs had been appointed Associate Pastor of the Unity Of Spirit Life Center, where he served for thirty-seven years.
The learning bug has not diminished Rev. Stubbs appetite for learning. He has earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree, and a Master of Business Administration degree both from the University of Phoenix. Rev. Stubbs still enjoys teaching and encouraging others whenever possible, with his witty banter.