Prayer Ministries
For a daily message of inspiration, please call 313-345-5070. The message available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Sunday Daily Word Service
Daily Word Prayer service is held each Sunday following the 10:00 am services. Please come down to the front of the auditorium and volunteers from the Prayer Ministry will be glad to assist you with your prayer request.
Detroit Unity Circle of Love Prayer Group
Every Monday – 6:00 – 7:00 pm Led by Members of Prayer Ministry If you seek healing, comfort, or guidance, we invite you to come be a part of this dynamic prayer group of Prayer Warriors. Each week, we pray over the names and requests received at the Temple.
Prayer Request Form
Prayer Request forms are available in the Temple lobby. You can then either place it in the prayer box, or you may take Prayer Request forms home and return them via mail to the attention of the Prayer Ministry
The Light That Shines for You
There is a light that shines in Silent Unity 24 hours a day. This light represents a spiritual light generated by more than 100 years of constant prayer. It is the light of thousands of voices who join in speaking words of faith and blessing. It is a light lit by many decades of faith in God and by many hearts and minds united in the love of God.
Prayer services are available through Silent Unity 24 hours a day/7 days at week, located at Unity Headquarters in Unity Village, MO. You may contact them in one of 3 ways:
- Phone: (1-800-669-7729)
- Regular mail: Silent Unity
1901 W Blue Parkway
Unity Village, MO 64065-0001 - Online:
Five-Step Prayer Process
Prayer is connecting with God. In prayer, you create a sacred space in which you commune with God. Use the following Five-Step Prayer Process to deepen your connection with God, to heighten your awareness of God within you. Experience the power of prayer.
Set aside time each day for prayer. Begin your quiet time by relaxing your body and opening your mind to an awareness of God. Breathe deeply, knowing that you are in the presence of God and the presence of God is within you. Let go of your concerns and know that all is well.
As you close your eyes and release any thought of the world around you, begin to think about God … about God's presence in your life. Focus your mind on a single thought or idea or scripture that resonates with you. Repeat this idea over and over, either silently or aloud until it becomes your only thought.
Allow this focused state of mind to move you into a deeper awareness of God. "Be still … and know that I am God." Be still as you connect with this divine presence within you.
From the depth of your being, know that you are one with God. This knowing, this realization as you experience God's holy presence is "silent soul communion." In this receptive state of mind and heart, listen for the inspiration of God, the answers to your prayers.
Give Thanks
Let gratitude be your heart's joyous response to this experience of communion with God and with God's infinite goodness. Give thanks for blessings to come, ready to receive your good.